Music: [Some of my all-time favorite music (playable)]

(For the record, Neil Young and James Taylor edge out Bob Dylan...but just barely)

(But then on other days, I'm thinking Paul Simon takes top honors.)

Neil seems to better express verbally, to us laymen, what it means to have been compelled to produce and perform what is 'haunting' them. (e.g. you could drag the slider-progress control to the 15 thru 25 minute-mark with Charlie Rose to hear the 'coolest' part of his story)

And, James Taylor also says some similar stuff (at 3-min mark) with his fellow-North-Carolinian Charlie Rose

But, then again, Bob Dylan arguably writes the most intricate and intriguing lyrics of anyone! He's a true poet, which was his goal from the beginning. [ He changed his last name from Zimmerman to Dylan, in honor of the poet Dylan Thomas....back before he released his first album (in 1963?). This man always KNEW that he wanted to be a songwriter, rather than just a 'singer' (of other people's songs)! ]

Neil Young's bio
James Taylor's bio
Bob Dylan's bio

These are so-called 'embedded' YouTube videos, each in separate player

[ Note: Click any video to start it. Once a video is playing, you can then go 'full-screen' to watch the video, just by selecting that in lower right of player. ]
[ Also note: Occasionally, one or more embedded-players get 'messed up'. A quick fix to remedy that, is to just 'reload' your browser tab, using the browser reload button.]

Capturing videos, from

If you want to actually download your own private copy of any YouTube video file, you can do that.
On the Linux platform, I mostly use 'clive' (a cmd-line URL capturer tool) to grab video files from YouTube (and other sites).
[To install clive on Linux, just install the package named 'clive'.]
To use it, you simply execute the cmd-line 'clive [url]', where '[url]' is the cut/pasted URL that you'd use in your browser to view a given video on YouTube's website.
Clive produces a .flv file, which is 'flash-video' (aka YouTube's native video format), but of course you could then use your favorite video transcoder software to produce whatever other video format that you desire. [Both 'Freemake' and 'HandBrake' are free and easy-to-use video-converter (aka 'trans-coder') programs and should be avail for all OSes.]
(Oops...I forget that most of you use "Windows" OS of some flavor)

[For YouTube video downloading on Windows OSes, just google yourself up one of the numerous YouTube-downloading tools. ('' worked fine, back when I tested it. '' typically first-time requires you to update Java. Use care NOT to hit their wrong-headed COLORED 'Download'-button, which downloads other junky/un-needed software....use their smaller dark-grey one at end of the URL-field, NOT the bigger colored-ones below!)]
Note: Each 'jQuery' page (except the first) has a 'Previous' btn on upper-left of header.
But, instead, you should alternately be able to use your browser's 'back' button.
On a tablet/phone, orient it horizontally to 'landscape' (tho 'portrait' seems to work ok, too)


Paul Simon/Art Garfunkel - The Boxer                                                        John Prine - It's a Big Old Goofy World

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