[ Our firmfriends.us domain is hosted on a web-server at inmotionhosting.com ] My Contact infoBelow is my business-card - Call or email - Very reasonable prices...and estimates are freeWater Hawk Computers![]() David Cook https://weasel.firmfriends.us (603) 493-9597 ---------- david.hubert.cook@gmail.com ---------- Manchester, NH Boulder, CO Jacksonville, FL SOFTWARE: Windows-OS services: e.g. computer-virus removal, etc. HARDWARE: Laptop and Desktop computer repair and installation To view and navigate these webpages, click on any 'topic' in the list in the LEFT PANE. When finished with that topic, first try and see if the browser's back-arrow button is armed and use that if it is. Otherwise, simply delete/stop the current 'browser-tab' and your view should return to the previously-viewed page.Welcome! The 'weasel' lives here. This is his new home. He's a tricky little fellow...e.g. known to play dead when confronted by his enemies. Actually, I'm just a weasel wannabe...it's the Morley family members who really ARE weasels. [ I guess I'm also a ferret wannabe too...so I can 'ferret' out the truth. ] Fareed Zacharia's excellent explanation of "Inflation/Recession"(I captured this 5-minute section from one of his summer-of-2022 Sunday morning shows on CNN)Donald Trump is psychologically damaged and is UNFIT to be president'The Altantic' magazine's EXCELLENT article on the warped psychology of Donald Trump![]() Bill Maher says something very similar. Bill's diagnosis: "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"Diagnosis: "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" Lawrence O'Donnell says that Trump is just a common criminal[ "Trump University" lawsuit" ] Bill Maher also did two more "must-hear" commentaries on Trump[ Two of the most accurate assessments of Trump...the man was/is UNFIT for the office. ] Obama's 2016 parting comments (about a future 4 years under Donald Trump)It's my opinion that Obama was a VERY good president...in my view, he was arguably THE best president in my lifetime. (I say that NOT because of his political party. I don't care whether he was a Democrat or a Republican. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. My voter-registration has always been as an "Independent".) One of Obama's best attributes is illustrated here...it is how steady, smooth, and articulate he is, when being interviewed. Why are so many college-educated Americans pro-Trump?I've always been able to comprehend why relatively un-educated people and 'religious-right' people, etc, became Trump-supporters. But, as a college-educated person myself, I've encountered many college graduates who became Trump supporters. And, many of those even claim or appear to me to be 'pro-science'. Yet, they somehow arrive at the point where they've VOTED for him. What's going on in their thought-processes to cause them to reach that point? The closest I can come to being able to explain them, is to group them into a category I call "anti-government'. More precisely "anti-Federal-government". And, I also include the crowd that feels that their rights are being infringed upon...that the government is DICTATING (legislating) too many things that citizens MUST DO. Because, I AGREE with many of those sentiments. Because I too think of myself as a "small-government" advocate. For example, I agree that eliminating the military draft was certainly the correct action to take. And, I'd have no problem at all if we were to privatize the Post Office'. And, I agree with those who point out how inefficient the federal beauracracy is. (Tho I did not vote for Trump, neither did I vote for Hillary nor Biden. I voted for the Libertarian candidates. And, in the upcoming election in 2024, I DEFINITELY plan to vote for Liz Chaney...primarily because she's such a Libertarian-leaning politician.) A good example of a politician who espouses those conservative views is Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky...who is a medical doctor by training. Yet, even though he is a 'conservative', listen some of his totally idiotic political statements. In my book, he a great example of a highly educated man who is also a totally confused politician. Will Trump run again in 2024?Hmmm...as of August of 2022...just AFTER the FBI raided his Mar-a-lago estate in Florida, it seems to be quite likely that he'll be found guilty of stealing top-secret Govt documents. And, they say that the penalty for that is that he won't be able to run again for ANY Federal government office. I'd be happy with that...I don't care whether he ever has to spend any time in prison. [ That said, tho, now we still DO have to worry about candidates such as Ron DeSantis and Ted Cruz. Yikes!!! ] An'artificial intelligence' (AI) website: a free medical diagnostic-interview![]() You'll be taking a medical interview, by entering some basic info, which includes the year you were born, your gender, the affected part of your body, followed by a series of mostly 'yes' or 'no' questions. My first experience there, was for some mid/lower back spasms and intermittent pain in my lower back. In my case, the interview part was approx 30
questions long, before it decided it was ready to give me a diagnosis, which resulted in 'three' (3) possibilities/probabilities:
These are your 3 most likely conditions or diseases with their ICD-9 identification codes, as determined by your answers and the logical process of the
MEDoctor system:
The impressive thing is how, during the interview itself, it starts teaching you the correct medical terminology that is (probably) most relevant to your problem. For example, I began just by memtioning the word 'pain' and indicating the general area of the lower-back. After a few first questions, it soon start asking if the pain could be described as like from a 'muscle spasm'. When I saw that question, I'm thinking like "YEAH, YEAH...now we're GETTING SOMEWHERE". So, like I said...you've just got to TRY this website, to experience the power of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE at its finest. Cyber Newsworthy:Read how cyber-hackers are scraping your profile info from Facebook and other social network sites.How to make Windows-10 desktop-UI look like Windows-7If you own a computer running Windows-10 (or Windows 8.x), but want the desktop UI to look and act like it didback on Windows-7, there IS a (free) solution. So, just download and install the software called the Windows "Classic Shell" Watch a skydiver's most recent feat. [ Awesome ][ I retired from skydiving (after jump #386), back in my younger days, so this video has special significance for me. ]Go "Luke" ! Watch these 4 skydivers as they jump from 25,000 feet ( for best experience, use the 'full-screen' button at lower-right ) Case-study: A real-world computer virus ( and virus REMOVAL ! ) story[ This one happened to ME personally ! ]So there I was one day...minding my own business...doing stuff on my Windows-11 laptop, when a series of those dreaded messages began scrolling up in the Windows-11's normal "Notification" area on right-side of the screen, saying stuff like: "You have been infected by five (5) computer viruses, yada, yada, yada...". (TBD) (TBD)(TBD) Watch two basejumpers do a "reverse-skydive" [ Unbelievable. ][ I never graduated to base-jumping. It resembles skydiving, except for their special "wing-jumpsuits" ]Watch THESE 2 guys step off a mountain top ( for best experience, use the 'full-screen' button at lower-right ) Marijuana: Understanding the difference between Medical(CBL)....and...Recreational(THC) components======== ======== Charlotte's story (seizures) -- Medical(CBL) click here My interest in medical cannabis originates in the handful of seizures I've had, from a benign brain tumor. ======== ======== My interest in recreational cannabis comes from......well, you know...who hasn't either recreated with it or at least hasn't been affected by a friend or relative who has? ![]() ======== "TED talk": A scientific talk of brain architecture / chemistry (connections with marijuana's effects) click here "TED talk": A scientific talk on the POWER of EXERCISE on the brain. click here Why an old-school 'flip-phone' is an IDEAL 'smartphone' !Tho I'm quite 'tablet-literate', I plan to continue to 'upgrade' to yet another"flip-phone"...(Yup, a phone with those 10 physical keys numbered 0 thru 9 and each containing 3 or 4 letters of the alphabet). If you're thinking it must be awkward for me to compose a TEXT-MSG, you're right. That's the whole idea!!! I've found a minimalist flip-phone model to be the nearly PERFECT device, for encouraging hands-free operation while driving. It works perfectly for RECEIVING normal text-msgs (e.g. from your doctor or dentist), yet it neatly discourages you from SENDING text-msgs, beyond a simple "OK" or "Roger, that.". Long live the EMAIL-system! Also note that a flip-phone is FULLY blue-tooth capable. So, yes, if your vehicle is modern enough to have bluetooth support in its console, your contacts will auto-upload into your car's console. You can make and receive calls 'hands-free', just like you can via a 'normal' smartphone. Which is why I'm here to declare that, phone-call-function-wise, a flip-phone is just as 'smart' as the more-common touch-screen-based smartphone. Lastly, another feature of flip-phones, is that they're smaller enough that you can carry them around your waist, yet they're much less likely to get tangled up with the seat-belt, as you enter/exit the vehicle. (The case on my left hip is only 3" x 4") !!! WEB-SAFETY: How to check reputation/safety of any website/domain:[ This cool webservice validates via a series of web-safety-provided 'black-lists' and 'white-lists' ][ Hint: Normally, you would specify a simple textual-URL such as 'Foobar.com', (rather than a numerical IP-address), for your website of interest ]Blacklist/Whitelist alerterUnderstanding the blacklist output: If you see only the normal vertical list of 'OK' s, you're good to go...it's a SAFE/normal website. Understanding any non-whitelist output: If you see any text like 'NOT WHITELISTED', This indicates a WARNING-alert that the website in question is NOT RECOMMENDED, due to some undesireable restriction. For example, a site that is accessible/visable/useable ONLY after you've registered/joined it. WEB-SAFETY: How to view registration-info for any website/domain:[ Here is Wikipedia's detailed explanation/useage of "WhoIS" ]Get EasyCounter's WhoIS info for a websiteA place to build your own websiteA good place to build your own website is at SITES.GOOGLE.COMI mention this, because "sites.google.com" is a free domain provided to the public by Google, and is where
my classmate Warren Hill built our wonderful high-school re-union website.
[ He told me he really knew nothing about building websites before he started, and that this base site of Google's provides a series of templates for various generic categories for one's site, and that he just 'followed his nose' after choosing the appropriate template. ] Google offers this site, FREE to the public, as a place where people can construct their own sites. It offers a DIY (do it yourself) approach, and provides you with templates and tools and instructions to help you construct a series of webpages and data files comprising your 'site'. Here's an interesting native Android widget-app (tribute to my father-in-law):The Dinarism-list widgetUsing, say, Android's Chrome-browser,Touch here, to download my modified 'LoremWidget' for Android (aka the Dinarism-list widget)It will go into Android's "Download" folder...so go there using, say, the 'ES File Manager' app, and touch the .apk, to install. [Hint: You need to have 'allow from unknown-sources' enabled, in your Security settings.] Note: Because this app is a widget-app rather than a full-screen app, to deploy it after installation, you'll need to drag/drop it from the 'Widget' section of the app list, onto your home-screen/desktop. |