A sample On-Demand video at "SarasotaSlim's"

Ok, here's an old black-and-white video that you can watch whenever you wish.

[ This page is a proof-of-concept for trying out various features of Video-JS ]

Geek alert: The movie video-file viewable here actually resides in a separate Google 'cloud-storage acct'.
[ If you're curious about details of that product, click on the Google Cloud Platform logo above. ]

"The Hustler" (1961) - IMDB -->movie's DETAILS
Popular QUOTES from this movie, on IMDB -->movie's QUOTES
Enjoy the movie.

New feature: You can search captions for a word or phrase and.
if found, we will re-position the video to a few seconds before its appearance.

The Hustler (1961)

New:    [Use checkbox to enable/disable] Use of progress-bar makes thumbnails visible.

Geek-alert: To achieve the black strip across the viewer's lower edge, to contain the subtitles,
the movie was first trancoded with the "ffmpeg" utility. The concept is that an input video
be converted into 16x9 resolution of 1280x720, and get 'padded' at the bottom with a solid
black strip with a height of 100px. That is achieved with a command such as:

ffmpeg -i orig.mkv -vf "scale=1280:620,setsar=1,pad=1280:ih+100:0:0:Black" -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac new.mp4

This "HTML-5 video" page should be viewable in all of the major browsers:
[ i.e.: Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Edge ]

Geek-alert: Thumbnail implementation info: We are using video-sprite based thumbnails See gory detailed-info here