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An auto-playing 'jukebox' (of Lyle Lovett songs)

On some browsers, the jukebox doesn't auto-start. If so, click the jukebox's start-arrow to get started.
After the first random song completes, another randomly-chosen song should reliably auto-play.

If you don't like what's playing, just use the 'Play' button below the song of your choice.
Or, for a randomly chosen new song, click on the progress-bar-slider and move it near the end of the currently-playing song.
As songs play, note: Currently-playing song's title-bar background is blue ...all previously-played songs get 'GRAYed-out.'

To listen on a "Blue-Tooth" headset or earphones : simply pair with this device (phone/tablet).
Nice! Then this jukebox could become your random "playlist" for your workouts at the local health-club!

[ Lyle Lovett ]
Step Inside This House
[ Lyle Lovett ]
Simple Song
[ Lyle Lovett ]
The Road to Ensenada
[ Lyle Lovett ]
If I Had A Boat

[ Lyle Lovett ]
She's No Lady
[ Lyle Lovett ]
If I Were The Man You Wanted
[ Lyle Lovett ]
Walk Through the Bottomland
[ Lyle Lovett ]
Farther Down the Line

[ Lyle Lovett ]
West Texas Highway
[ Lyle Lovett ]
The Waltzing Fool
[ Lyle Lovett ]
Closing Time
[ Lyle Lovett ]
Don't Touch My Hat

[ Lyle Lovett ]
Skinny Legs
[ Lyle Lovett ]
Cowboy Man
[ Lyle Lovett ]
If I Needed You
[ Lyle Lovett ]
This Old Porch

[ Note: This webpage is still under construction! (Exclude-buttons don't work yet) ]